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​Business content

・Sales of office supplies, office equipment, and office furniture

・Room partition/partition installation and earthquake resistance construction

・OA floor/tile carpet installation work

・Infrastructure construction, ICT systems, etc.

・Office consulting (layout)layout plan)

・Sales of OA equipment and home appliances

・Sales of gift novelties

・Sales of recycled toner
・Sales of video and audio equipment
・Sale of information boards, bulletin boards, and panels
・Sales of housing maps
・Make a duplicate key

​・Drone related product sales

・Illustrator submission/print data creation

・Promotion of DX (hearing, problem solving)


Hokuyu Supply Co., Ltd.

〒003-0022 Sapporo City14-chome Minami 7-17, Nango-dori, Shiroishi-ku

TEL:011-827-9701 FAX:011-827-9702

TEL:011-827-9701  FAX:011-827-9702

適格請求書登録番号 T7430001026837

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